Tom Jackson's The Huron Carole

The Huron Carole

The Huron Carole takes to the stage for one live performance only in Halifax, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, on November 28, 2023 at 7:00pm. For fans elsewhere in the country, the concert will be recorded for television with viewing later in December.

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For over 40 years, Tom has entertained a continent of concert-goers and TV watchers.

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Actor, singer, activist Tom Jackson, known for various Canada-wide projects most notably The Huron Carole, brings familiar and ethereal imagery to life on masks, scarves, tote bags, notebooks…

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Tom Jackson Soul Angel

Soul Angel

But the Soul Angel stayed and he’s still here today

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TomJackson Keynote Speaker We Day

Keynote Speaker

Chancellor, multi-awards recipient, workshop facilitator and speaker for select Government events

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The Essential Tom Jackson

The Essential Tom Jackson

2 volume CD 21-song retrospective of original music spanning 30 years!

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Creating Health

Being healthy is not a subordinate role.  It is a leading role, not just a reactive role, rather a proactive role.

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Frank Cranebear


Tom’s larger than life persona carries across big screens and small in an unforgettable way.

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TOM Jackson-RonaldQuitoriano


Tom Jackson claims music is his first love, after being handed a guitar at age 10.

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Time Magazine named him one of Canada’s best activists and it’s a role that comes easily.

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